miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

the mission of manuel S KENNEDY

A- Happy Anecdote: One day, at the school, we were working in groups talking about different topics. My friends talked about contamination of the world and  I was the next one to talk about another matter called bulling. I stood up and went to the center of the class. AT THE BEGINNING, I was scared but after a few minutes I was sure that I was wright and my speech was very good. My teacher and my friends congratulated me because It was an excellent speech.

B- An Embarassing moment:I could not forget this moment. I was working hard  with the basketball team. After, I finished my training  I took a bath, then I could not find my clothes because somebody took them. So I called my friends and ask them to help me. Finally, they gave me  another clothes  and I went home as soon as possible to talk to my parents about this issue.